Wednesday 5 October 2011


We won’t be talking about the kind of Timeline displayed in this image... Mostly because we lack the necessary skills and knowledge to do so. Why am I talking as in “we”? I don’t know... Senility knocking on my mental door? Perhaps... But it may be that I’m just tired.
Back to the tight track, the timeline I should be talking about refers to important and relevant, revolutions, paradigms or events related to art that marked each decade from 1900.
I will use the image as example, inspiration or model that will visually expose each decade.
Few examples of the decades and their events:
1900-1910. De Stijl, Futurism, Modernism
1940-1950. WWII
1950-1960. Space Race, Teenager Concept, Rebels/Rebellion
1960-1970. Use of colour, Pop Art
1970-1980. Birth of Disco, Funky Style, Birth of Blockbuster
1980-1990. Computers, Videogame
1990-2000. Information Age

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