+ 1760-1850
+ The search for larger profits, smaller production costs and fastest production -> Mechanization of production methods.
+ Steam Engine -> Boats -Trains -Farming -Bridges -Melting Glass -Heat -Pump -Factories Machinery
+ Started in England.
+ England’s large coal reserves - Main source of energy for the Steam Engine.
+ England’s large iron reserves - Main natural resource (commodity) being used in that period.
+ Large amount of people looking for work in the cities and business class financial power finance factories, to buy resources, machinery and hire.
+ Improvement in -Production Methods (fastest production, cheaper products) -Transportation -> Trains (cheaper transport of people, products and commodities in shorter periods of time).
+ Factories -Poor working conditions -Child Labour -Female Labour -Up to 18 hours work per day -No legislation.
+ Unions
+ Revolution in communication -Machinery improved the printing process.
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